
Friday, December 18, 2009

Screat of Pokhara

Pokhara is very nice city which was situated in nepal. That place is other side of heven because of there are so many mount range, lakes rivers, jungle etc. many tourist are intrestto visit there to see nature of Pokhara.

Situated at the lap of the panoramic Annapurna Himal, Pokhara is 198 kilometres west from Kathmandu. Pokhara is a rare combination of the long arrays of snowclad peaks, crystal clear lakes, turbulent rivers with deep gorges and picturesque villages inhabited by simple and friendly ethnic people.
There are plenty of places of tourist interest in and around Pokhara city, some of which are Phewa Tal, Begnas Tal, Rupa Tal, Devi's Fall, Mahendra Cave, Bindabasini Temple, Bhadrakali Temple, Barahi Temple, Annapurna Regional Museum, Buddhist Monestry, Tibetan Village, Sarangkot, Kahun Danda and Phoksing Danda. Pokhara is blessed with beauty seldom seen in one place in the Himalayas.

In Nepal, there are much less crime problem in rural areas whereas in the urban area the crime problem is quite high. There is a change in the forms and dimensions of criminality with the changes in the living style of society and social values. There is the change in the form of criminality when society itself changes culturally and technologically. The relation between human behavior and societal change is the crucial factor in understanding not only crime but development itself. Crime occurs and seems to increase with the acceleration of change and development, which in recent years has been specially associated with such crucial processes as industrialization, urbanization, social mobility and the development of technology.

It is of course realized that planning for crime prevention, within the context of national socio-economic planning suffers from the vagaries of phenomena that are hard to control, such as population growth, labour migration, economic cycles, unemployment, national disaster as well as from the diminishing effectiveness of traditional social control, such as parental or community influences. The transition from traditional to industrialized society poses a particular challenge in the area of crime prevention and criminal justice. Increased opportunities and the dwindling influence of established form of social control contribute to a rise in criminality with which an unprepared system of criminal justice can not cope with.

The significance of crime prevention services is recongnised not only in the promotion of social order and social justice but also in the productive and necessary protection of commerce, industry and the economy. Any measures to be effective must cover not only the criminal justice system and development of police prisons, court, parole, probation and reformative institutions as an integrated crime prevention mechanism in itself, but also, it must extend to those aspects of education, health, labour, welfare, agriculture, industry and other sector of economy that have obvious relevance for crime production and crime prevention.

Education, health, labour and social welfare programs are likely to have a crime prevention effect. Child care programs designed to reduce the personality defects that lead to potential delinquent behavior, family support programs designed to keep family united so as to foster better child care, educational programs to improve socialization, labour programs to reduce unemployment; and programs to improve mental health are all obvious requirements for effective crime prevention.

Elements of crime The elements of crime are the aggregate of those factors necessary to constitute the particular offense. Two elements common to all the offenses are the Acts and the Intent The elements of crime of murder are that the victim named or described is dead; that the death of the victim resulted from an act or an omission of the accused; that the accused had a pre-meditated design to kill or intended to kill. Unless these elements are established through investigation, the crime of murder is not solved.

Cases may be won or lost depending on the manner in which evidence has been collected, handled, preserved and identified. No evidence will be of any value unless it meets the requisites of proper treatment. It is also necesssary that the chain of custody be maintained. If the possession of the evidence is unaccountable for a moment the evidence is rendered inadmissible. If the possession cannot be established, it is assumed that the articles has been altered or could have been altered.

Evidence can be easily destroyed intentionally or unintentionally, by permiting the persons to wander about the scene unless it has been photographed, sketched and searched. The untampered scene of crime can reveal the story of what occured there. If the crime scene has been tampered with, erroneous conclusion may be drawn and the crime may never be solved. Protection of scene of crime is not only against curious bystander but against curious officials as well. Too often the investigator is confronted with a hord of curious officials in and out of uniform would unintentionally destroy any traces present

The step involves a preliminary survey of the crime scene. During the initial overview nothing is touched, pickedup or moved untill it has been photographed, sketched and minutely described as to the location, condition and any other pertinent observation. The search of the crime scene should start without pre-concieved notions of what happened, how it happened and who might have done it. What he finds and where he finds it should be the basis of his thinking. Starting an investigation with a preconceived idea will lead an investigtor to look for those things which establish his preconceived idea. The search commander should mark all evidence for purpose of identification. Nothing at the scene should be moved without the clearance from such commander.

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